Hi! In this post we are going to learn guessing the cube root of a perfect cube in 3-5 secs
first,we will see the cubes of first ten natural numbers if we have this in our mind we can guess cube root of any perfect cube let me show the beauty of mathematics in cubes cube of 2 is 8 and cube of 8 is ends with 2 and similarly in 3 and 7 and all last digits of the cubes are unique like 1-1 2-8 3-7 4 -4 5-5 6-6 7-3 8-2 9-9 lets try an example: 13824 sol: observe the last digit / units digit = 4 that means cube root contains 4 in unit digit as the given number has 5 digits its cube root will have 2 digits divide the number in to parts for every three digits from right to left 13|824 find the nearest cube to 13 that is 8 its cube root is 2 that’s it. 24 is cube root of the 13824
3 steps 3 secs :- 1)find the unit digit of the number find the unit digit 2) divide the number into parts fro every 3 digits from right to left 3)find the nearest cube to first part of the number lets try one more example… 373248 sol: 1) unit digit =8 so unit digit of root 2 2)373|248 3) 343 is the nearest cube to 373 cube root of 343 is 7 so 72 is the cube root that’s it ….hope you like it (it will applicable up to 6 digits...)
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Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Hi folks! In this post we are going to learn the multiplication of two digit numbers near by hundred in 3-5 seconds
Example 97x94?
from the figure you can easily understand that 1) 97 is 3less than 100 2)94 is 6 less than 100 3) in the result first two digits can be found from 97-6 or 94-3 =91 4)last digits obtained from 3 x 6=18 result obtained in 5 secs try yourself.........
if the numbers given are above 100
Example 104 x106?
the figure explains very well 1)104 is 4 more than 100 2)106 is 6 more than 100 3)In the result first two digits can be found from 104+6 =106+4 =110 4)last digits obtained from 4 x 6=24we can use easily up to 120 if we know up to 20 tables perfectly
let's see one more example .... Example 112 x110?
Here, we have product of last digits 12 x10 =120 is a three digit number So digit 1 to be added to 122 as shown in the figure....
By applying the same technique we can find squares of number from 85 to 120 By simple single line i will present the way note: we are taking 100 as base here(912) = (91-9)x 100+ (92) =8200+1 =8281 (922)= (92-8)x 100+ (8x8) =8400+64 =8464 (932)= (93-7)x 100+ (7x7) =8600+49 =8649
Here, we have a simple explanation.. 1) 91 is 9 less than 100 so the number to be added to get last digits is 92 2) multiplying by 100 for understanding sake only if your thorough directly you can write as (91-9)(92)= 8281
try the remaining up to 120 in the next post we are going to learn cubes and finding of cuberoots in fast way
Hi! In this post we are going to learnto multiply 4digit number in 5-10secs Before that you need to mind these things… 1) in competition exams we need not to do whole multiplication in order to find the result 2) if we found last two or three digits, it is enough to choose answer form given options lets try the multiplication of 1234 &4321 please follow the figures given below
In this technique answer is going from right to left
red colored bold digitis digit found in each step green colored digitdenotes the carry numbers to be added to next digit mostly in the third step we will get the answer hope this figures 1-7 make you clear how tofind the digits of the product1234 and 4321
hope this figures will make you clear how to use this technique
this blog we are going to cover almost all topics with best tips for
enhance your ability in either of the requirements(speed and accuracy ) Before going to start the topics , we need to remind the things that we left at school.. going back to the school.........:-) MULTIPLICATION OF TWO THREE DIGIT NUMBERS in 5secs: Problem1: product two numbers 121 & 310 is? options: a)36520 b)37510 c)35710 d)32610
sol:121 x 310... answer going from right digit to left... please follow this figure
this example is simple one all product yields single digit numbers if the product gives two digit number ................ dont worry about it simply add the carry number to its next digit(right digit to left...)
see the following: 979 x 685....answer going from right digit to left... last digit is 9x5=45, write 5 carry 4 next digit 7x5 + 9x8 = 35 + 72= 107 (+4) = 111, write 1 carry 11 next digit 9x6 + 7x8 + 9x5 = 54 + 56 + 45 = 155 (+11) = 166, write 6 arry 16 next digit 9x8 + 7x6 = 72 + 42 = 114 (+16) = 130, write 0 carry 13 next digits 9x6 = 54 (+13) = 67. Write this all in. Answer is 670615 this type of multiplication will be explained in 4digit multiplication in the next post