Hi folks! In this post we are going to learn the multiplication of two digit numbers near by hundred in 3-5 seconds
Example 97x94?
from the figure you can easily understand that
1) 97 is 3less than 100
2)94 is 6 less than 100
3) in the result first two digits can be found from 97-6 or 94-3 =91
4)last digits obtained from 3 x 6=18
result obtained in 5 secs try yourself.........
if the numbers given are above 100
Example 104 x106?
the figure explains very well
1)104 is 4 more than 100
2)106 is 6 more than 100
3)In the result first two digits can be found from 104+6 =106+4 =110
4)last digits obtained from 4 x 6=24we can use easily up to 120 if we know up to 20 tables perfectly
let's see one more example ....
Example 112 x110?
we have product of last digits 12 x10 =120 is a three digit number
So digit 1 to be added to 122 as shown in the figure....
By applying the same technique we can find squares of number from 85 to 120
By simple single line i will present the way
note: we are taking 100 as base here(912) = (91-9)x 100+ (92) =8200+1 =8281
(922) = (92-8)x 100+ (8x8) =8400+64 =8464
(932)= (93-7)x 100+ (7x7) =8600+49 =8649
Here, we have a simple explanation..
1) 91 is 9 less than 100 so the number to be added to get last digits is 92
2) multiplying by 100 for understanding sake only if your thorough directly you can write as (91-9)(92)= 8281
try the remaining up to 120
in the next post we are going to learn cubes and finding of cuberoots in fast way
Example 97x94?

from the figure you can easily understand that
1) 97 is 3less than 100
2)94 is 6 less than 100
3) in the result first two digits can be found from 97-6 or 94-3 =91
4)last digits obtained from 3 x 6=18
result obtained in 5 secs try yourself.........
if the numbers given are above 100
Example 104 x106?
the figure explains very well
1)104 is 4 more than 100
2)106 is 6 more than 100
3)In the result first two digits can be found from 104+6 =106+4 =110
4)last digits obtained from 4 x 6=24we can use easily up to 120 if we know up to 20 tables perfectly
let's see one more example ....
Example 112 x110?
we have product of last digits 12 x10 =120 is a three digit number
So digit 1 to be added to 122 as shown in the figure....
By applying the same technique we can find squares of number from 85 to 120
By simple single line i will present the way
note: we are taking 100 as base here(912) = (91-9)x 100+ (92) =8200+1 =8281
(922) = (92-8)x 100+ (8x8) =8400+64 =8464
(932)= (93-7)x 100+ (7x7) =8600+49 =8649
Here, we have a simple explanation..
1) 91 is 9 less than 100 so the number to be added to get last digits is 92
2) multiplying by 100 for understanding sake only if your thorough directly you can write as (91-9)(92)= 8281
try the remaining up to 120
in the next post we are going to learn cubes and finding of cuberoots in fast way
It's very easy to understand