Hi! In this post we are going to learnto multiply 4digit number in 5-10secs
Before that you need to mind these things…
1) in competition exams we need not to do whole multiplication in order to find the result
2) if we found last two or three digits, it is enough to choose answer form given options
lets try the multiplication of 1234 &4321
please follow the figures given below
In this technique answer is going from right to left
red colored bold digit is digit found in each step
green colored digit denotes the carry numbers to be added to next digit
mostly in the third step we will get the answer
hope this figures 1-7 make you clear how to find the digits of the product 1234 and 4321
hope this figures will make you clear how to use this technique
Before that you need to mind these things…
1) in competition exams we need not to do whole multiplication in order to find the result
2) if we found last two or three digits, it is enough to choose answer form given options
lets try the multiplication of 1234 &4321
please follow the figures given below

In this technique answer is going from right to left
red colored bold digit is digit found in each step
green colored digit denotes the carry numbers to be added to next digit
mostly in the third step we will get the answer
hope this figures 1-7 make you clear how to find the digits of the product 1234 and 4321
hope this figures will make you clear how to use this technique
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